LABBN Presents at 2024 Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) Summit
The Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) held its 29th San Diego International Summit on August 25-28, 2024, with the theme of Working Together to Promote Well-being. LA Best Babies Network attended the summit to discuss how home visiting helps prevent trauma.
IVAT is a nonprofit organization that condemns violence and oppression in all its forms. Founded in 1984 as The Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute (FVSAI) and headquartered in San Diego, IVAT is a leading international resource and training center.
IVAT hosts two international summits per year to bring together researchers, practitioners, advocates, survivors, and front-line workers to talk about violence, abuse and trauma prevention, intervention, treatment, and research.

At this year’s San Diego summit, LA Best Babies Network’s Public Health Research Associate, Kathryn Ewing, showcased this poster and gave a presentation on “The Power of Connection: Disrupting Trauma Cycles Through Backbone Support for Home Visiting.”
Kathryn discussed how home visiting helps to prevent trauma and abuse, and how it interrupts intergenerational patterns of abuse. She explained the role of LABBN as the backbone support of home visiting programs in Los Angeles County. Her poster highlights each team at LABBN and how they contribute to disrupting trauma cycles in families we serve. Kathryn also highlighted the L.A. County Home Visiting eDirectory tool that connects families to free home visiting programs in their neighborhoods.
Kathryn says, “I am so passionate about being part of the support network for Los Angeles families navigating pregnancy, birth, and parenting. I was proud to represent the work we do at LA Best Babies Network. I learned so much and got to meet some fellow Fielding Graduate University students as well.”
Kudos to Kathryn! And hats off to all the home visiting heroes in our network!