Our Stories

Helen’s Journey of Hope and Healing Through Home Visiting Support

(LA Best Babies Network — an organization that supports and oversees home visiting programs in the Family Strengthening Network — interviewed Helen and Natalia in 2019 and created the video below. Helen also shared her story as part of a panel at the 2019 Annual Family Strengthening Summit. Video of that is also below.) 

When Helen found out she was pregnant in 2018, she was overwhelmed by uncertainty. At risk of homelessness and struggling with substance abuse, she joined an in-person treatment program. That same day, her father passed away.

“I had this baby, and in that moment I was in a sober living home by myself, away from family, trying to better myself.”

At the hospital after giving birth, Helen found out about the free Healthy Families America home visiting program at Children’s Institute, Inc. in Long Beach. She signed up, and started getting personal in-home support from Natalia.

At the time, she was not only grieving the loss of her father, but also fighting to regain custody of her two other children. “I had my first-born at the same hospital, and I wasn’t enrolled in a home visiting program at that time. What if I would have enrolled in a program then? I would have had somebody.”

Natalia was a support system through Helen’s sobriety journey, reminding her to celebrate the small wins. Helen said she could open up to Natalia after treatment. “She is never judgmental and always sees the bigger picture,” said Helen. “My favorite part is her coming and lending her ear. I am able to express myself, I have deep conversations with her.”

Even though she’s not a first-time mother, Helen said the program has taught her a lot. “When Natalia goes over things with me about my baby that she’s doing right, it boosts my confidence as a mother. The program has helped me keep my composure as a wondering and worried mother. Anything and everything that related to my worries, I can always resort to Natalia.”

Helen is glad she learned about bonding with her baby and about child development. “I have been reading to her since she was a couple months old. I started opening up hard books for her. Now, she turns the page. It’s a deep connection with her of exploring visually and hearing.”

Natalia has also provided various resources to Helen, such as a playpen, wipes, diapers, and toys for the baby, “She never comes empty-handed to the visits,” Helen laughed.

Helen is grateful for this new chapter in her life and for Natalia. “I really appreciate she is right there with me every step of the way. She is rooting me on, through thick and thin. She saw my change within the year.”

Get free in-home support from a program in your neighborhood: eDirectory.HomeVisitingLA.org

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