
Webinar: Supporting Parents After Perinatal Loss

It’s hard to know what to say to a parent who has lost a baby. In this webinar, home visitors learn how to support moms and dads who have experienced this traumatic event.

Kiley Krekorian Hanish, a bereaved mother who founded the Return to Zero Center for Healing, conducted this webinar February 12, 2018, for Welcome Baby Parent Coaches and home visitors in Los Angeles County’s Family Strengthening Network, but home visitors anywhere can benefit from her helpful presentation. Scroll down past the video for resources you can use to support grieving parents.

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3 thoughts on “Webinar: Supporting Parents After Perinatal Loss

  • Adriana Hernandez

    Do you recommend any particular program for perinatal bereavement to be taught to perinatal nurses to support patients/ mothers and their families. Any certifications available? Your input is appreciated. Thank you for your support.

    • LA Best Babies Network

      Thanks very much for your comment, Adriana. We don’t know of any certification trainings for RNs, but we’ve reached out to the presenter and will follow up here if she has any information or recommendations about that.

  • Hi Adriana,

    Right now there are not any certifications available. A few places where you can find further training:
    1. Return to Zero: HOPE offers online webinar trainings for providers (

    2. PLIDA (Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Alliance) hosts a conference every 2 years. (

    3. Resolve Through Sharing is a hospital-based grief training that offers in-person trainings and I think they are offering some options online during COVID. (


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