LABBN Presents at National Home Visiting Summit #HVSummit
LA Best Babies Network’s team delivered two presentations this week at the annual National Home Visiting Summit. Both recordings, along with related documents, are available below.
1. “Addressing Racism, Implicit Bias, and Cultural Competency in Home Visiting Programs: Assessing for and Responding to Community Needs.” (Presented on 2/26/2021 by: Sharlene Gozalians, DrPH, MPH, CHES – Director; Martha Bock, MPH – Public Health Research Associate; Kayla Kakavand, MPH – Public Health Research Associate; and Jana Wright, MPH – Director of Policy)
From the presentation: “Despite the added layers of stress and frustration COVID has brought to the home visiting fields, it has also allowed us to reach families we typically would not have reached. With the use of phone and virtual technology, we are able to engage with families, regardless of geography, as a gateway to long-term support services. Given this increased stressful and isolating time, we are seeing more families welcome these types of support services into their lives.”
— Sharlene Gozalians, DrPH, MPH, CHES
Director of LABBN
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2. Poster on “Adjusting to Virtual Home Visits in Los Angeles County.” (Presented on 2/22/2021 by: Martha Bock, MPH – Public Health Research Associate; and Kayla Kakavand, MPH – Public Health Research Associate). View or download pdf of poster here.
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Here are a few samples and highlights from the February 26 presentation: