
Healing Journey: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence as They Navigate Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and Parenting

Sexual violence is not uncommon. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says in the U.S. over half of women, and almost 1 in 3 men, have experienced it. And the data we have is likely an underestimate because many incidents go unreported.

A trauma-informed approach is at the core of how home visiting programs support families, so it is important that staff members have the knowledge and tools to work with clients who are survivors of sexual violence.

Recently, LA Best Babies Network hosted a virtual training for staff in the Family Strengthening Network on this topic. In this training, Jessica Silsby, PsyD, and Sandi Capuano Morrison, MA, from the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT):

  • Discuss the three types of sexual violence
  • Outline three reactions new mothers may express if prompted by trauma history
  • Describe ways to support a new parent prompted by trauma
  • Share three characteristics that may prompt a trauma response
  • Discuss a trauma-informed strategy for making a mental health referral
  • Outline strategies for minimizing the effects of vicarious trauma

The training was recorded and is available for viewing below. Don’t miss the related resources listed at the end of this blog post.

Part 1: Healing Journey: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence as They Navigate Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and Parenting

Part 2: Healing Journey: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence as They Navigate Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and Parenting

Part 3: Healing Journey: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence as They Navigate Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and Parenting

Part 4: Healing Journey: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence as They Navigate Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and Parenting

Part 5: Healing Journey: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence as They Navigate Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and Parenting


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