LABBN Presents on Home Visiting at Nexus 2022 Conference
If you’ve read this blog or seen our testimonial videos from families, you know that the benefits of home visiting are wide-ranging — from health and wellness to social and emotional support to child development and parenting education to home safety guidance … the list goes on.
At the Nexus 2022 Conference on March 2, LA Best Babies Network gave a presentation focusing on one area: “How Home Visits Help Identify and Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect” (see program guide and scroll to bottom). The Nexus Conference is an annual training conference on the impact of violence within the home and its effect on children.
LABBN’s presenters were: Public Health Research Associates Kayla Kakavand, MPH, and Martha Bock, MPH, and Director Sharlene Gozalians, DrPh, MPH, CHES.
Backed by data LABBN has collected on the LA County network it oversees, the presenters showed how home visiting prevents families from entering crisis systems and how it effectively connects families to appropriate support resources. Home visiting activities that contribute to these outcomes include:
- Screening for depression
- Screening for early developmental delays; educating parents on developmental milestones
- Connecting families to primary care instead of emergency rooms
- Connecting families with resources (child care, therapy, public assistance, regional centers)
See the complete slideshow presentation. Here are a couple highlights, giving a glimpse at home visiting on the national level, and then drilling down to Los Angeles County: