Home Visiting in L.A. County: Moving the Needle on Capacity and Efficacy
Los Angeles County has the largest home visiting initiative in the country. Testimonials and data show the positive, life-changing impact of these home visiting programs on families. But data also show that most families who could benefit from these services never enroll in a home visiting program.
In the 2018-19 fiscal year, the Los Angeles County Perinatal & Early Childhood Home Visitation Consortium (the Consortium) estimated that of the nearly 750,000 children between ages 0 to 5 eligible for home visiting services, only about 32,000 were able to receive home visiting services.
Since its inception, the Consortium’s Data Workgroup has been collecting data to demonstrate the impact of home visiting at the county level, identify areas for further investment, and help bridge service gaps.
It recently released this 18-page brief summarizing this work and presenting its findings. The brief includes a comprehensive overview of the landscape of home visiting in Los Angeles County; the birth of the Consortium; the needs and capacity of home visiting in the County; and the Data Workgroup’s goals and objectives, including details on its L.A. County Headline Indicators Pilot Project. Download the brief here, and see more on the Consortium’s page about Data-Driven Home Visiting.