Save the Date to Appreciate Home Visitors
You may know about our annual Home Visiting Day in L.A. County (coming April 18, 2025), but have you heard about National Home Visitor Appreciation Week?
This new awareness-raising campaign will take place April 21-25 this year. Coordinated by the Institute for the Advancement of Family Support Professionals, it will highlight one home visitor each day of the week. This will be part of a larger communications and social media campaign that celebrates all the good work happening with home visiting around the country.
There is still time to nominate that extra special home visitor — but the deadline is February 20, so hurry! Just email, and briefly explain why that person deserves to be recognized as one of the National Home Visitors. Also, please include your location and home visiting model. Organizers will follow up with the nominee to get more information.
Let’s make sure L.A. County is represented in this national campaign — and let’s integrate it into our Home Visiting Day 2025 celebrations!
In L.A. County we are planning a Home Visiting Day event with a panel that will include home visitors. Please contact Steve at if you’re interested in participating, or if you know someone who would be a good fit.
Read all about last year’s Home Visiting Day celebrations here.